VENERA KAZOHERA” is a burundian successful businessman, his work is the most successful business internationally. He is marked as one of the top five wealthiest  businessmen alive in Burundi and top 10 in EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY. On AUGUST 25,2024, TDC BURUNDI joined VENERA on an exploration of his way to success, They visited one of…


VENERA KAZOHERA” is a burundian successful businessman, his work is the most successful business internationally. He is marked as one of the top five wealthiest  businessmen alive in Burundi and top 10 in EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY.

On AUGUST 25,2024, TDC BURUNDI joined VENERA on an exploration of his way to success, They visited one of his farms  that produce the highest rate of Pineapple juice. As shown in the picture above, Venera toured these young entrepreneurs around the farm and taught them how to harvest pineapple.

Venera examined TDC BURUNDI and found out that they are interested in farming.Therefore, he took the initiative to take them throughout his farms and train them.  He was delighted to contribute within these young individuals in preparation of future HEROS.

Nevertheless, “Venera is peaceful, pleasant and interested in youth development” these were the words commented by the CEO of TDC BURUNDI  Expressing the appreciation he has for VENERA KAZOHERA. 


This is “MWARO” were “VENERA” does his livestock farming, he has numerous number of cattles settled in this area dew to the increase in number of breeding,Although he confesses that cows have a very sensitive body,therefore it is very easy to catch diseases and cause deaths. Livestock farming is not done by all farmers as they can’t bear the expenses caused by caws.

Cattle are like most animals in the wild, spend their spring, summer and fall eating lots of fresh, nutritious grass to build up their fat reserves to make it through the long, harsh winter – when there is not as much to eat. As such, cattle are naturally at their fattiest (tastiest and tenderest) in the fall – just before the winter. This is why farms that are in tune with the natural cycles of the seasons and who grass feed (and grass finish) their cattle, slaughter their cattle in the fall, as is done in the Grazing Days, and freeze that meat to sell (and eat!) at other times of the year.

This is why, irrespective of when you buy meats, they will always have been slaughtered between the previous September and December months.

One response to “<<VENERA KAZOHERA & TDC BURUNDI>>”

  1. Van helwin Avatar
    Van helwin

    TDC burundi 🔥🔥🔥🇧🇮

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